All tagged emotional wellbeing

Crushing Self-Criticism: How to Break Free from the Downward Spiral

Feeling a bit down lately? Maybe you spilled coffee on your favorite shirt or got hit with extra work right before the weekend. Low moods have a knack for making everything worse, don't they? And to top it off, they bring along their buddy, self-criticism. I know that inner critic all too well. It's like having a judgmental roommate in your brain, pointing out your flaws 24/7. Evicting that sucker is no cakewalk, believe me. Sure, people say, "Stop being so hard on yourself!" But let's be real – if it were that easy, we'd all be swimming in self-love. But fear not, my fellow self-critics, there's hope! We may not banish those self-critical thoughts forever, but we can weaken their grip. Here's how…(click on title to read more)