Feeling a bit down lately? Maybe you spilled coffee on your favorite shirt or got hit with extra work right before the weekend. Low moods have a knack for making everything worse, don't they? And to top it off, they bring along their buddy, self-criticism. I know that inner critic all too well. It's like having a judgmental roommate in your brain, pointing out your flaws 24/7. Evicting that sucker is no cakewalk, believe me. Sure, people say, "Stop being so hard on yourself!" But let's be real – if it were that easy, we'd all be swimming in self-love. But fear not, my fellow self-critics, there's hope! We may not banish those self-critical thoughts forever, but we can weaken their grip. Here's how…(click on title to read more)
Hello Strength!
When you know who you are at the core of your being, when you know your values and are unwavered by others, you can shift your energy and focus on your own “WHY” instead.
Let’s find your purpose and be captivated by it.